Sunday, September 30, 2012

Have You Lowered Your Expectations?

Years ago I heard that to avoid being disappointed that I should not have expectations. While at a certain level this makes sense, there is a big part of me that screams out in rebellion. After all, if I don't have expectations, how will I reach my goals? How will I know when I'm where I want to be? How will I know if things are meeting my standards?

I think many people have come to lower their expectations so as, well, not to expect too much. This happens out of politeness, it happens out of convenience but mostly, it happens out of fear. After all, if we have expectations and they aren't met, all we're left with is one big disappointment. So lowering your expectations kinda seems like you can have your cake and eat it too, doesn't it?

Yet, when it comes to your image, this isn't exactly the truth. Lowering your expectations when it comes to your style and how you want to present yourself may lead to less disappointment, but it can also lead to a low self-worth, holding yourself small and encouraging everyone else around you to hold yourself small as well.

You were born to shine. Not just twinkle, but SHINE. Out loud. In the spotlight.

I know what you're thinking. Not me. I don't want any attention. I just want to blend in. Well, let me tell you that I used to be in your shoes... and that you're dead wrong.

Say what? You heard me. I can't let you go on like this. Lowering your expectations. Chipping away at your self-image and your self-esteem. Looking like something that, years ago would have made you cringe, but now you just chalk up to being 'too busy' to mess with or too tired to care about.

Yeah. Let' s see where that gets you.

Think of a beautiful rose. It bursts into full bloom without holding back. It gives it everything it's got and then some, the way it was created to be. You weren't created to hide, but to blossom into your full beauty and potential. I want to help you do just that!

Why am I calling you out? Because I care. Because I love you. And because I have been there and done that and it is SO not where you belong.

I'll say it again. You were born to shine. You were born to be not mediocre, or okay, or nice. You were born to be GORGEOUS! BEAUTIFUL! FABULOUS! With no apologies. Yes, you.

Why? Because when you hold yourself small everyone around you holds themselves small too. Out of politeness. Especially in the south. Because we don't want to out-do each other, but mostly because we feel that it's really, truly wrong to be in the spotlight, or to even want to be.

But I want to tell it like it is. Until you can love yourself enough to step into the spotlight, you are holding yourself and everyone around you small too.

When you can embrace your beautiful self, warts and all, and love every inch of you and present yourself in a way that enhances your beauty, you make God proud. He didn't create you to be mediocre and put yourself at the bottom of your list. When you don't take care of you, who will?

So SHINE, dammit! (I don't curse often, so please pardon my French) Raise your expectations. Hold yourself accountable and don't let yourself go. It doesn't take a king's ransome or all the time in the world to look good, or even your best. I'm not talking red-carpet ready, but a realistic version of yourself that's more than what you've been settling for.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Congratulations, You Are AWAKE

The question is, what has awakened in you because of this crisis? Does hope beat in your chest when you think of your future? Do you feel the sweet promise of tomorrow pulsing in you? Does everything you've taken for granted come sharply to clarity? Do you see your value? Do you feel the relevancy of your life? You now have the opportunity to become reacquainted with what makes you feel, as the numb shroud of your harried life falls away. Can you feel your passion? Can you begin to trace its origin?

You want to go back to feeling deeply, feeling good, and feeling better. It helps to quickly go to the root of your life challenges. It is better to treat yourself first as a whole person: the cause before the symptoms.

Instead of asking "Why me?" Why now? Why this?

Place that powerful Why behind what drives you to thrive.

Why do I want to live?
Why do I want to be happy?
Why do I matter?

Begin working with this powerful why and let it back you in living your best life now.

You will resemble, tomorrow the dominating thoughts of your mind today. Plant a seed for tomorrow wisely. Frame life in your mind nicely, seek and speak of the good. You have constructed your reality through the story you tell yourself.

Your mind has infinite capacity, you are responsible for taking control of the programming. Take the helm and also be compassionate with yourself this taking back of focus is a process that must be mastered.

Subconscious wants to feel safe and generally stirs clear of the unknown.It would rather replay a negative habit even though is it painful rather than experience something new.

Start filtering out negative scripts that no longer serve your highest good.

When it comes to manifesting your thoughts should be condemned or praised for there work.

Focus on your emotions and feel your way to your future reality. Choice by choice, reach for relief and let go of resistance. You want to change how you view and respond to life. Have your own back, deliberately look at the positive and you will become a master framer of life.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Simple And Funny Exercises To Boosting Your Brain Power

Boosting Your Brain Power

There are no quick-fixes if you want to increase your brain power - neither will there be a magic pill. If you really want to increase it you need to implement some strategies, which can stimulate your ways of thinking and reasoning. It will also be necessary to stimulate your different senses, as these are not only an integrated part of your body but also a significant part of your mind and perceptions.

In this article I will describe a few great strategies, which are only a fraction of the galore strategies you can adapt, however, these are a terrific beginning.

Brain Power Techniques

Challenge your senses - As human being we have often had the habit of only using a few of our senses such as hearing and seeing. What would happen if you for a change blocked these senses?

Undoubtedly you will discover that your brain works like hell to compensate for these missing senses to still solve daily mundane matters. Blocking these senses will force the brain to exercise, which often can do a lot for improving the brainpower, as the brain is to be treated as a muscle - the more you use it, the more fit it will be.

Try for example to blindfold yourself ( off course not when you are in the traffic, or other places where you can hurt others), and then eat you meal. Try to taste each single bite and describe it to yourself or your significant one, notice how you now have a new experience of the food you might have eaten many times before.

Try also to put earplugs in your ears - not connected to a music device, it has to block your hearing completely - then go for your usually walk and notice how you now are far more concentrated with your eyes. You will possibly discover - besides this being unpleasant - that you recognize a lot more colors and forms.

Try to combine ordinary objects - Another great exercise, which force you to think creative. take for example a chair and a pair of shoes and imagine how this chair could be a walking chair suddenly with a beautiful pair of shoes (most likely two pairs - unless you become very creative). Take for example a table and imagine what it could be if you turn it upside down - a raft perhaps.

The technique is to take a piece of paper and a pencil, then write down all the ideas you can get in a predefined time. Think of all crazy wacky forms and odd usage of your new invention. Now try to draw it, as to draw also sharpens your senses. Now finally write a report of your new item, how it should be used and whom should use it.

This is not only fun, but you can also implement it as a party game. establish some teams, and reward the most creative solution. Besides having fun you train your brain tremendously.

Blind Tasting - one of my favorite party games. Buy some cheap wines, buy some wine at an average price, and buy one expensive wine. Cover all the bottles - or boxes if so - and pour 2 cl of each wine in numbered glasses. Then the participants have to not only taste the wine, they also must describe the taste for each glass, and then point out which one was the expensive one.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Feel Your Way

Find the amazing power to ask better questions. Every thought begins with a question, anyway. You have a problem solving mind. It will endeavor to answer any problem you throw its way.

You can ask these questions in the shower, in rounds of three in 10 sets of questions around health, success. Love, kindness, abundance, joy, strength, communication, etc.

How can I... ?
What will I do that... ?
Wouldn't it be nice if... ?

Your brain is like the world's best super computer, it is programmed to answer questions. Any question you ask of it, it will endeavor to solve for it. By asking powerful questions of your problem solving mind you can lead your life to your aspiration. By asking "How can I... ?" you engage your mind to provide you with tangible steps. Through inquiring "What will I do that... ? Your mind will look to provide concrete answers to yield your sought after result. Request your mind to imagine by asking "Wouldn't it be great if... ?

Ask your limitless mind all your questions and then trust in faith not fear. Open your heart and believe in the possibilities of you. Be optimistic in that infinite energy that beats your heart and all hearts. Only lack of confidence will obstruct you. Have wonderful dreams and believe they will come true.

Your choice how you perceive the facts. Recognize with a deep inherency that you are valuable, you are here, right here right now. Try to bring your mind, body and emotions into harmony. Know that your substance is more than skin deep. Look at yourself with deep appreciation.

Trust in faith not fear. Seek the good in you and all. Think about your positive qualities and they will grow. Accept that you have to continually improve your way of thinking and feeling.

You will always find what you are looking for whether it be good or bad. Dominant thoughts become deeply emotional beliefs attracting like vibrations consistently enough to create physical evidence.

Your control starts with your awareness of how you feel in response to that automatic thought. Then moving your focus in a better direction starting with your next thought, make it feel better. The more you think a thought the easier it become to defer to it. Your thoughts become emotional in ¼ of a minute.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Creativity and Innovation As a Sense of Nationalism

There seems to be an attempt in the United States and other first world nations to create a resurgence of innovation and creativity. This is interesting because for so long we had worked on standardization in our education system, getting everyone on the same page, and marching in step. Now we see we are being beaten in the global marketplace, and we realize our greatest strength was our entrepreneurs, creativity, and innovation. Since we all agree on that, we are looking for more of it now.

Today, creativity and innovation has been rebranded almost as a sense of nationalism in the United States. We also see something similar had happened in Canada as they worked very hard to create a knowledge worker society, get everyone educated, and lead the world in scientific discovery. Much of Europe also attempted the same. As the Olympic Games of 2012 show a sense of pride and nationalism for sports, agility, and athletic ability we see how this can be such a strong bond.

When we compete as Americans for creativity and innovation in the marketplace of ideas, we see we have a stellar advantage due to our free-market system. You see, the free-market and capitalism rewards people with great ideas, who can solve problems and innovate, and sell their inventions and methods in our economy. All we have to do we show them the way, and let them compete in that same marketplace of ideas. That makes sense right?

It's almost as if creativity and innovation is an extra lever to reignite a sense of nationalism and pride. The United States has always been on the leading-edge of invention, problem solving, and having a can-do attitude. It is practically the spirit of America, and it still shines. Some might say that too much nationalistic pride is not a good thing, but maybe it is when it comes to an underlining theme of problem solving, innovating, and creating new products and services. Not to mention the fact that it will provide more jobs as well, something that our economy needs right now.

Education is also a nice arena to uplift a nation for nationalistic pride, and it doesn't hurt anyone else to compete for the most educated society. Luckily, America is quite good at all of these things, despite the detractors who might say that our society isn't as educated is theirs, the reality is; "sure it is, look everywhere, America is winning."

Promoting creativity and innovation as a sense of nationalism I believe is a smart play for a great team - Team USA. It doesn't hurt anyone else anywhere else in the world for us to do that. In fact, it might help them by setting the bar very high, and challenging them to do the same.